My Booking Form asks All the required standard information I need from you (eg; Name, DOB, Address etc). However there are 2 Other Important Requirements that I also need from You - in order for My Style of Reiki to be sent - as it Helps with Healing the Whole of the Person Greatly. They Are:

1) Consent from Reiki Recipient (18 years of age and above). Consent from Next-of-Kin/Spouse/Close Family Member/Friend is fine in the meantime, however please do read the note about Consent below.

2) Reiki Recipient agrees to read and adhere to the emailed Guidelines as best as possible. The Guidelines are emailed after you have made your Booking. Those who consent on Recipient's behalf must be the ones to Help Recipient adhere or at least make them aware that they need to adhere as best as possible to the Guidelines as this will Greatly Help with their Healing.

Consent from all Reiki recipients (18 years of age and above) is required in order to receive Reiki from me. Once consent is given this indicates to me that they are Willing and Open to receiving the Healing energies about to come their way.

Parents and Legal Guardians may provide Parental/Guardian consent for their Dependent children who are under the age of 18, and still living at home. 

Independent children under the age of 18 who are living independently away from their Parents/Guardians are able to Consent for themselves.

If obtaining consent is not possible, eg; as Recipient is in a coma, then consent from Next-of-Kin/Spouse/Close Family Member/Friend will be sufficient in the meantime. I can still send the Reiki, but please just be aware that because they have not personally consented to it, their Soul may not be open to receiving the Reiki Healing. Therefore in these cases one must be aware and acknowledge that the Reiki may not work.

In cases where your Loved one has not personally consented to receiving Reiki AND does not wish to receive the Reiki, then Next-of-Kin/Spouse/Close Family Member/Friend must respect their wishes and NOT obtain Reiki Service from Me on their behalf. Even though you have well meaning good intentions, it is your Loved One’s right to accept or not accept Reiki into their life, and we all must Accept and Respect that.